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Hello and welcome!
I'm Karen

I love helping people grow and thrive! I use techniques and tools from over 40 years of study and personal growth to take you on an inner journey fostering healing and growth.


Experience profound releases from the emotional shackles of your past, paving the way for a future filled with joy and freedom!

My Vision

To guide individuals to their true essence and potential. I support people by changing perspectives, clearing emotional burdens and discovering new possibilities.

Tel: 845-926-8453

Disclaimer: The healing sessions I provide are in no way a substitute for appropriate medical, psychological or psychiatric treatment. I also make no claims as to healing or recovery from any illness you may currently have nor do I make claims of providing prevention of any future illnesses. If you have health or emotional concerns that are not currently being addressed by medical practitioner or psychologist, it is recommended that you visit one as soon as possible. It as also recommenced that you stay on any prescribed medications or other treatments as given by a medial practitioner or psychologists, and the services I provide are in no way a substitute for those medications and treatments. My sessions are not intended to be medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment.

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